Archtower v0.5.9.0 Steam Early Access update

Archtower v0.5.9.0 Steam Early Access update

Archtower updated to v0.5.9.0, free demo was updated as well.



    -Alpha and Demo-
  • Clan Hall is filled with decorations and new characters
  • New quest in the Clan Hall

    -Only for Alpha-
  • New quests in the Clan Hall after Act 2
  • New big quest line in the Clan's Domain after Act 3
  • Some new quest locations
  • 2 new music tracks
  • New quest enemies
  • New quest miniboss
  • New quest boss
  • You can get a cat in the clan's domain by quests
  • Maximum hero level increased to 19
  • Maximum clan level increased to 70
  • 2 new achievements of rare quality
  • 5 new achievements of epic quality


    -Only for Alpha-
  • Reworked weapon damage calculation formulas for crossbows and pistols (will not affect old items)
  • Added indication when mobs restore charges
  • New options in the hospital are unlocked by quests
  • Achievements “Trauma center” and “Medical advancements” require 2 times less
  • Other minor changes


    -Alpha and Demo-
  • Minor edits in localization text
  • Fixed incorrect height of combat text flying out of enemies
  • Other minor fixes

    -Only for Alpha-
  • Bugfix, clan mark only worked from clan level 25, not level 10
  • Bugfix, persuasion was not working correctly for Fighters
  • Bugfix, Act 3 boss now has the correct reaction sound for poison gas and spits
  • Rare Merchant still can't be obtained on the same floor twice in a row in normal mode, but can be obtained by going through the same arena
  • Fixed some non-parryable mob attacks not working properly
  • Bugfix, the bomblet with bleed wasn't causing blood splatters
  • Bugfix, Harbinger, Pugilist, and Chemist were not counted for achievements for the number of unlocked classes
  • Bugfix, Hound would sometimes get stuck when entering a room with a troll on 9-3
  • Bugfix, it was possible to escape with 100%+ overload if you picked up extra items during the escape process
  • Other minor fixes


Archtower v0.5.9.0 76 MB
16 days ago

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